Work Package (WP) 2 aims to establish and implement effective communication channels within and outside PHIRI to ensure that information is available to the Consortium Partners, population health and COVID-19 research networks, relevant stakeholders in European countries, international organisations and the general public.
The dissemination work performed within PHIRI focuses on developing a strong and appealing visual identity to reach as large an audience as possible, targeting especially the scientific/health research community in Europe and policymakers in- and outside the health arena to increase awareness of PHIRI and disseminate the results of the project.
The main objectives of this WP are:
PHIRI Infodemic Management activities & Sustainability
Infodemic management activities within the PHIRI project - PHIRI webinar at the European public Health Week 17th of May 2021
The PHIRI 'Infodemic management' online library
Infodemic Management Workshop - "European experiences, lessons learned and good practices
on infodemic management during the COVID-19 pandemic” 9th and 16th of June 2021
Fact-checking COVID-19: joint unCoVer & PHIRI workshop - 30th of June 2021
Datademic, Data-decision-behaviour: A consolidated approach? - 30th of September 2021
Round table: European experiences on infodemic management - European Public Health Conference, 12th November 2021
Round table: Experiences on infodemic management in public health authorities in Europe and internationally - European Public Health Conference, 12th November 2022
Oral presentations: Health information and infodemic management - PHIRI Rapid Exchange Forum (REF): A key tool for cross-country exchange in times of crisis - See the presentation here - European Public Health Conference, 12th November 2022
Webinar - The change in demand and consumption of health information - 27th January 2023
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101018317. Disclaimer - Privacy policy |
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