What is the infodemic?
At the same time as we are experiencing a pandemic, the world is also experiencing an “infodemic”: an overabundance of information (some accurate and some not) that occurs during an epidemic. It spreads between humans in a similar manner to an epidemic, via digital and physical information systems. In this situation, fake news and rumours (misinformation) appear on the scene, along with manipulation of information with doubtful or deliberately bad intent (disinformation). It makes it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it. Infodemics can impact citizens in every country, and addressing them is a new and centrally important challenge in responding to disease outbreaks. At the same time, though, the current COVID-19 infodemic is an opportunity to find and adapt new preparedness and response tools. WHO's Information Network for Epidemic (EPI-WIN) took the lead in this effort and provides resources, guidance and regular updates on their website.
What is the aim of this workshop?
This workshop aims to gather and present experiences, lessons learned and good practices on infodemic management during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe. Infodemic management has been approached in many different ways in the European countries, depending on their capacity, the resources and the institutions involved. What was tried? What worked/did not? What was difficult? What profiles were involved in infodemic management or should have been more involved? What tools were useful? What could be done to be prepared for the next crisis? These are some of the main questions we would like to respond to with the help of our speakers coming from different European countries with different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Each speaker will highlight their national infodemic management experience and then discuss with the other speakers and the audience. Some practical tools and exercises for infodemic management will also be proposed.
What is PHIRI?
The Population Health Information Research Infrastructure for COVID-19 (PHIRI) aims to identify, access, assess and reuse for research population health and non-health data in Member States and across Member States that can underpin public health policy decisions relevant to Covid-19. PHIRI is funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The PHIRI project covers 41 partners in 30 European countries. One of PHIRI's expected outcomes is the identification of best practices for handling the COVID-19 pandemic at public health and clinical management level. This includes the COVID-19 response to the infodemic and health mis/disinformation. In this regard, PHIRI is delighted to propose this workshop to share experiences, lessons learned and good practices in infodemic management. Sharing is caring!
Were you not able to attend the one or both days of the workshop? Explore this amazing goodie bag and relive the event!
Find the complete agenda & more details about the speakers here!
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101018317. Disclaimer - Privacy policy |
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