PHIRI (Population Health Information Research Infrastruture) is the new Health Information project on COVID-19 financed by the European Commission. The project builds on the BRIDGE Health project and the Joint Action Infact. PHIRI was launched in November 2020 and it includes 41 partners in 30 different countries.
PHIRI for COVID-19, is a roll-out of the Distributed Infrastructure on Population Health (DIPoH). The project will support research across Europe through the identification, access, assessment and reuse of population health and non-health data to underpin (public health) policy decisions on COVID-19 and future health crisis. The aim is to share data and expertise between countries through a Health Information portal on population health in close interaction with key stakeholders in the health information landscape, in particular with ECDC, EUROSTAT, JRC, OECD, and WHO.
PHIRI for COVID-19 has the following objectives:
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101018317. Disclaimer - Privacy policy |
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